Home > Software > EEG/Qeeg Software > BrainMaster

BrainMaster Technologies has found a way to brilliantly blend state of the art EEG, Qeeg and peripheral modalities with affordability. Discovery's  whole head training and QEEG as well as the Atlantis series of  2x2 and 4x4 platforms combine with exciting software and visual aids for both clinician and patient and set the stage for the future of Neurofeedback / Biofeedback.


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  • EEG Sales LLC
  • 800-400-0334
  • info@eegsales.com

Shop EEG Sales

EEG Sales LLC offers a full and comprehensive list of quality products and supplies at competitively discounted prices for practitioners of Neurofeedback and Biofeedback. EEG Sales is an authorized distributor for Thought Technology and an authorized reseller for BrainMaster Technologies. We are proud to offer IMA Electronics hand-crafted electrodes and many of the finest equipment and supply brands available. Customer service and quality of product are top priorities with EEG Sales.

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