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Zukor's Drive feedback game at EEG Sales
Zukor's Drive - SWR-ZDrStandard
Zukor's Drive - SWR-ZDrStandard
Zukor's Drive - SWR-ZDrStandard
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Zukor's Drive

Item #: SWR-ZDrStandard
Availability: by download only- link and/or passkey emailed.
Price: $495.00

    Enter your BrainMaster S/N or EEGer Dongle number here...

    This step is only necessary for BrainMaster and EEGer systems (optional) Max: 9 character(s)

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    Available for purchase and installation on these formats:

    Thought Technology's BioGraph Infiniti , BrainMaster (all software and amplifiers)
    Mind Media's BioTrace+, EEGer, Evoke Neuroscience, and NeuroGuide

    Zukor's Drive is a clinical and peak performance

    feedback game which offers variable game play from

    very relaxed to extremely intense.

    Zukor's Drive Standard Version

    Zukor's Drive “Peak Performance Upgrade” features additional more intense driving modes (chase, race and others), more chaotic tracks and many many more vehicles. It can also be used to add variety to the "Standard Version">

    7 Driving Modes

    • Solo
    • Doppelgänger
    • Duel
    • Chase
    • Race
    • Drag Racing
    • Zombie Apocalypse

    Standard Features

    • Supports All Modalities
    • 1-16 Events
    • Modality Presets
    • Modality Editor
    • Auditory Feedback
    • Patient Profiles
    • Points-based Unlocking

    Other Features

    • Night Mode
    • Snow & Rain
    • Manual Steearing

    25+ Tracks

    • Scenic (forest, islands)
    • Desert & Cities
    • Ovals (Indy, Nascar)
    • Fantasy Tracks
    • Stunt Tracks

    100+ Vehicles

    • Classic
    • Sports
    • Supercars
    • Muscle
    • Police
    • Trucks/ Offroad
    • Indy Cars
    • Formula One
    • Rally Cars
    • Dragsters
    • Fantasy
    • Toon Cars
    • Road Warrior

    © 2015 Zukor Interactive. All rights reserved.

    EEG Sales, LLC 800.400.0334

    The "Peak Performance Upgrade" adds many powerful features for peak performance training. These features add variable amounts of intensity, unpredictability and uncontrollability to the gameplay which can be easily adjusted using simple options The gameplay goal is to learn to relax and focus under stress.

    The "Peak Performance Upgrade” add 5 additional Driving Modes: Chase, Drag, Race, Competition and, for those who want something truly intense, Zombie Apocalypse :-)

    The "Peak Performance Upgrade" also includes 20 additional, diverse, high-quality tracks/roads and 100 additional vehicles (yes, one hundred more vehicles!). The vehicles and the tracks are unlocked using optional points-based unlocking, which is a great incentive to stay focused during training. It's also a strong motivator to encourage repeat training sessions.

    The "Peak Performance Upgrade" includes many, many other options, such as rain, ice, snow, fog and night mode.

    The "Peak Performance Upgrade" can also be used to add variety to Zukor's Drive "Standard Version".

    5 Additional Driving Modes!

    Your computer system needs to meet the below requirements to properly run Zukor’s Air.

    Computer systems which don’t meet these requirements may be able to run the game, but might encounter issues ranging from minor to extreme. Please note that these computer systems requirements are in alignment with those of the neurofeedback/biofeedback system companies.


    Note: Most computers sold within the last two years will meet the first two requirements.


    Windows 7 or Windows 8 on a regular PC or on a Mac (Bootcamp).

    NOTE: Microsoft no longer supports many versions of Windows XP and Windows Vista.

    IMPORTANT: Please make sure you have installed ALL Windows 7 or Windows 8 updates PRIOR TO INSTALLING and running Zukor's Air. Failure to do this may lead to improper operation of the game.


    Dedicated graphics card with at least 512 MB dedicated video memory.

    NOTE: Systems which do not meet these graphic requirements will still likely play the game, but may require graphic adjustments within the game to reduce graphics quality so the game will play smoothly.


    Two monitors (dedicated dual monitor setup). Game monitor should be 21+ inches, “widescreen” and set at a minimum resolution of 1280x720.

    NOTE 1: If using a laptop computer, the laptop screen counts as one monitor.

    NOTE 2: A second monitor which meets the above requirements is a very inexpensive investment costing about $125-$175 on Amazon or at Best Buy.

    NOTE 3: Video projectors, Plasma TVs and LCD TVs usually work as well, but could require the Windows graphic settings to be adjusted.

    SUGGESTION: For an absolutely amazing feedback experience for your patients, invest in a 42-inch Plasma or LCD TV for your second monitor. These currently cost about $400 or less on Amazon or at Best Buy.

    • EEG Sales LLC
    • 800-400-0334
    • info@eegsales.com

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    EEG Sales LLC offers a full and comprehensive list of quality products and supplies at competitively discounted prices for practitioners of Neurofeedback and Biofeedback. EEG Sales is an authorized distributor for Thought Technology and an authorized reseller for BrainMaster Technologies. We are proud to offer IMA Electronics hand-crafted electrodes and many of the finest equipment and supply brands available. Customer service and quality of product are top priorities with EEG Sales.

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