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Z-Score Biofeedback Add-On download by Thought Technology

Item #: SWR-SA7901
Availability: In Stock
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2 channel Z-Score requires ELT-8760

4 channel Z-Score requires ELT-8761

For use with EEG Suite, Z-Score 6 Suite (NEW) or Developer Tools

Benefits of Z Score Biofeedback Add-on:

  • Add the power of real-time z-scores to BioGraph Infiniti. Compare 2 or 4-channel EEG to NeuroGuide’s normative database automatically. Metrics include coherence, phase, amplitude asymmetry, relative power, absolute power and power ratios for eight different frequency bands.
  • Simple measure of progress based on combined z-score metric and in-session real-time trending.
  • Simplifies training as strategy is always towards norm – instead of an arbitrary value that may be difficult to determine.
  • Can also be used in pre- and post- assessment of general connectivity training. In this approach, training can be directly on the metric, such as coherence, for example, whereas post-session analysis can include the z-score deviations of coherence from norm, all within BioGraph Infiniti.
  • Faster results: in both the above cases, multiple operations are combined as the need to export data from BioGraph and send away for z-score assessments is eliminated. The power is all in one place, and the strategy is always the same: train towards norm.

Other BioGraph Infiniti features related to z-score training

  • Z-Score License Management window is new in BioGraph Infiniti 6.0, and presents the current status of your z-score database.
  • Change Z-Score settings on-the-fly.
  • Program z-score metric quickly and easily, using right click features and graphical tools.
  • Range training made possible by dual threshold instruments. Instead of above or below threshold, dual thresholds provide feedback for inside or outside range, which is much more useful in range training protocols. Feedback logic can also be changed on-the-fly.
  • Industry-standard metrics for phase, and amplitude asymmetry to compliment our existing coherence metric.
  • Easier exporting to NeuroGuide software, such that BioGraph EEG data can be easily reviewed with all the analysis and reporting power of NeuroGuide beyond the z-scores.
  • Two and four-channel EEG cable kits for easier connections with common ground and reference.

Z Score requires linked ear reference for EEG electrode placement.

For use with:

  • EEG Sales LLC
  • 800-400-0334
  • info@eegsales.com

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EEG Sales LLC offers a full and comprehensive list of quality products and supplies at competitively discounted prices for practitioners of Neurofeedback and Biofeedback. EEG Sales is an authorized distributor for Thought Technology and an authorized reseller for BrainMaster Technologies. We are proud to offer IMA Electronics hand-crafted electrodes and many of the finest equipment and supply brands available. Customer service and quality of product are top priorities with EEG Sales.

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