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Z-Score 6 Suite (download)

Item #: SWR-7965
Availability: In Stock
Usually ships In 1-3 Business Days
Price: $355.00

    Download links usually sent within 2 business days

    Z-Score 6 Suite features:

    • Quick Automatic real-time artifact rejection – an exciting new feature! It allows you to calibrate real time artifact rejection for each individual user, store the user-specific data so it only has to be done once, control artifact source by choosing any combination of electrodes, and easily turn the feature on or off. The settings apply to all EEG data, either feedback (in real time) or statistics (offline review).

    • Access to all individual z-scores via simple GUI.

    • New all z-score screen instrument with real time colour change.

    • Useful % of time in condition metric improves training outcomes.

    • Quick Start Favorites are pre-defined for you to use. Start a session, review and report with a single click.

    • Quick, easy interface for z-score settings and thresholds. Right click and use graphical interface to select all z-score parameters.

    • Assessment scripts for eyes open and eyes closed baseline recording.

    • Feedback using individual z-scores, any combination of z-scores or z-scores in parallel with standard EEG frequency bands.

    • Benefit from real-time trend graphs to obtain instantaneous measure of progress for all protocols.

    • Standard feedback tools including DVD playback, AVI animations and single and dual screen configuration.

    • Simple reports include means and trends for z-score, z-score metrics and EEG amplitudes for all sessions.

    The Z-Score 6 Suite will allow the user to perform z-score assessment and training within two ways: using the z-score value itself, or using a metric, called the z-score index, which is indicative of the state of a group of z-scores.

    The z-score index tells us at a given moment how many of a pre-selected group of z-scores are within a certain threshold range. This threshold range is user-definable and can be modified on-the-fly. The user also has the choice of which z-scores to include, and can do so easily at any time during the session. The suite includes 4 pre-set z-score indices.

    These are:

    • z-score index (includes all z-scores)
    • z-score powers index (includes only the power z-scores, for all channels)
    • z-score power ratios index (includes only the power ratio z-scores, for all channels)
    • z-score connectivity index (includes only the coherence, phase and amplitude asymmetry z-scores, for all channel pairs).

    The Z-Score 6 Suite includes brief assessment protocols for recording baselines under both eyes open and eyes closed conditions, screens for single z-score training, z-score index training, z-scores with standard EEG band amplitudes in parallel, as well as reports showing session trends and means for all these metrics. Session configurations have also been designed using the very powerful, very practical new feature in BioGraph Infiniti version 6.0: Quick Start Favorites.

    For use with:


    Electrode kits tailored for Z-Score Biofeedback
    ... and ready for all your EEG applications

    Thought Technology’s new line of EEG electrodes
    delivers high quality performance, ease-of-use
    and maximum flexibility. Use efficient 2 and
    4-channel kits designed for Z-Score Biofeedback.

    All electrodes are available in gold or sintered
    silver-silver/chloride*. Several colors

    • Ready-to-use kits have been designed with your applications in mind and allow for multiple connection configurations
    • Individual cables are also available to create any configuration you like
    •  All cables feature standard DIN connectors for compatibility with Infiniti and other EEG systems
    •  Kits include new reference ear clip.
    • Comfortable, sturdy easy to apply and quick to clean. Includes standard DIN
    • connector for use with any EEG equipment.
    • Also available separately as a useful add-on to third party electrode caps!

    Two and four-channel connectivity kits

    • Apply fewer electrodes and record more accurately
    • Use single or linked ears reference, common ground and multiple configurations.
    • All with the same cable set.
    • Ideal for Z-Score Biofeedback!
    • EEG Sales LLC
    • 800-400-0334
    • info@eegsales.com

    Shop EEG Sales

    EEG Sales LLC offers a full and comprehensive list of quality products and supplies at competitively discounted prices for practitioners of Neurofeedback and Biofeedback. EEG Sales is an authorized distributor for Thought Technology and an authorized reseller for BrainMaster Technologies. We are proud to offer IMA Electronics hand-crafted electrodes and many of the finest equipment and supply brands available. Customer service and quality of product are top priorities with EEG Sales.

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