Alive Pioneer GP8 - New Featrues :
- New Alive Games and Environments.
- Muscle Tension (EMG) training.
- Temperature training.
- Heart Rate training with EKG (improved accuracy for research and older/low HRV clients).
- Clinical quality Skin Conductance (GSR) training with improved accuracy and 1,024 samples per second.
- Adaptive breath pacer (no need to set pacer speed), audio pacer, microphone recording of sessions.
- Algorithms for approximating emotional state, automatic skin conductance, EMG training, and much more.
Alive Pioneer with The GP8 Amp comes with:
- 4 leads which can be used for EMG, EKG &/or SCL
- 3 permanent electrodes for EKG or EMG
- 2 velcro finger sensor electrodes for SCL
- 2 velcro wrist wraps for wrist-to-wrist (or wrist-to-ankle) EKG
- 50 disposable sticky electrodes for EKG or EMG
- 1 temperature sensor.
The system can train EKG (or EMG), temperature and skin conductance at the same time. The GP8 samples at 1024 samples per second for accurate and precise skin conductance and heart rate measurements which means more accurate HRV / smoothness, especially for users with low heart rate variability.

Alive Pioneer makes training EMG and temperature easy, even for first time users, with options to automatically range EMG and temperature so you can simply choose EMG or temperature feedback, start a game or environment, and let Alive take care of the rest.
Alive Pioneer for GP8 is very similar to Alive Pioneer for IOM, but includes EKG, EMG and temperature training, and soon to have BVP training via blue tooth.

Alive Pioneer also contains these new features available to both GP8 and IOM/emWave users :
- Unlimited number of graphing screens viewable at the same time.
- Two New Alive Environments: Valley, a beautiful nature scene where birds and butterflies appear and gently explore their environment, and Petals of Light, a glowing energy mandala screen.
- Train with Average Heart Rate, BVP Amplitude (IOM required for BVP Amplitude training), Heart Rate Range and other new Pioneer measurements.
- New customized Particle Environments appropriate for each Pioneer measurements. These environments optionally let you train two measurements simultaneously, for example heart rate and skin sweat at the same time!
- Over an hour of new music.
- Train with emotional state using our new emotional detection algorithms (GP8 Amp or IOM only, these don't perfectly reflect emotional state, but are amazing training tools for people to understand and work with emotions).
- Automatically or manually range any feedback for training.
- Train 2 users together if you own 2 IOMs/Lightstones.
- Optionally record and playback audio from a microphone, to help you review important changes by what was said in the session.
- Set the breath pacer to automatically adapt to heart rate and breathing, instead of trying to manually choose a single pace.
- Turn on breath pacer sounds to hear an auditory indication of when to inhale and exhale.
- Additional measurement available in review.
- Disable skin conductance for users with broken IOM or Lightstone sensors (so these users can continue using heart rate and bvp amplitude feedback).
- New Alive Pioneer User Guide that teaches the importance of BVP Amplitude training, and how to get started with BVP Amplitude training (IOM only).
Check out the Alive Pioneer User Guide
Watch this video for a quick introduction to Alive Pioneer’s new features for IOM/emWave:
This 45 minute training course teaches all Alive Pioneer for IOM/emWave features and teaches you how and when to train with BVP Amplitude: