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ProComp 5 by Thought Technology

Item #: AMP-T7525-360
Availability: In Stock
Usually ships In 1-3 Business Days
Price: $3,800.00

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    Qualifies for EEG Sales Affiliate membership. Discounts will be applied when payment processes and a revised invoice will be emailed. Questions? Call 800.400.0334

    ProComp5 Infiniti System includes:

    • BioGraph 6.0 software
    • Your Choice of Software Suite
    • TT-USB interface unit
    • Fiber-optic cables (1’ and 15’)
    • Four alkaline “AA” batteries
    • Sleek fabric storage and carrying case

    This unit comes with the latest version BioGraph 6.0 software and your choice of either the 360 or Rehab Software Suites. Any of the suites can be purchased separately and added at any time.

    Click the links below for more information on these software choices.

    ProComp5 Infiniti™ joins our eight-channel, ProComp Infiniti, our 10 channel FlexComp Infiniti and our 2 channel ProComp2 multi-modality encoders. All combine the power and flexibility you need for real-time, computerized biofeedback and data acquisition in any clinical setting.

    ProComp5 Infiniti™ is housed in an ergonomically-designed case and requires only a USB port to connect to any IBM compatible PC. ProComp5 Infiniti™ has the identical inputs as ProComp Infiniti, but omits the last 3 channels. The first two sensor channels provide ultimate signal fidelity (2048 samples per second) for viewing raw EEG, SEMG, EKG and HR/BVP signals, while the remaining 3 channels sample data at 256 samples/second for slower signals such as respiration, temperature, force, etc. Not only can ProComp5 Infiniti™ capture data in real time by connecting directly to the PC via its fiber-optic cable, but it can also store data on a Compact Flash memory card for uploading later to the PC, or use optional long-range compact flash module telemetry anytime it is desirable.

    Unlike competitive equipment, all channels can be used with any combination of sensors, including EEG, EKG, RMS SEMG, Skin Conductance, Heart Rate, Blood Volume Pulse, Respiration, Goniometer, Force, Inclinometer, Torsiometer and Voltage Input.

    "I love Thought Technology’s Infiniti System. It's a comprehensive biofeedback system complete with EEG Neurofeedback plus a wide selection of flexible biofeedback modalities to fit any clinician's needs. Its state-of-the-art multimedia capabilities are engaging, effective, and fun!"

    Lynda Kirk, MA, LPC, BCIA Senior Fellow, BCIA-EEG Fellow, QEEG-Diplomate, ISNR Past President & Fellow, AAPB Past President

    Software Information
    The BioGraph Infiniti software is created in a modular fashion to ensure you get only what you need and do not fill your computer’s memory with unwanted software. Choose between the 360 Suite or the Rehab Suite. They are general Suites which provide you with a variety of screens for different modalities. Your choice free with purchase of the ProComp5.

    The Developer Tools Module, also free with purchase, will allow for high end users to create their own screens, scripts and channel sets. This ultimately provides the customer with the most variety under one system.


    USA Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician or any other practitioner licensed by the law of the state in which he or she practices to use or order the use of this device.

    Thought Technology is proud to offer three  specialized application suites for BioGraph Infiniti.

    The suite combines classic physiological biofeedback (arousal and peripheral temperature) with heart rate variability training (HRV) and neurofeedback protocols (EEG biofeedback) into one integrated package.

    Clinically Relevant

    • The 360 Suite is designed from a clinical perspective and its biofeedback and neurofeedback tools are arranged and organised in a way that parallels clinical thinking. This makes locating the best tool for the task as intuitive as possible and greatly reduces the initial learning curve

    Organised by Body System

    • Based on your client’s presenting complaint, you can determine what body system is most affected and pick the appropriate assessment and self-regulation tool for the task.
      • Muscular: Issues related to subconscious muscle tension and how it can be the source of stiffness and body aches and pains.
      • Autonomic nervous system (ANS): Issues related to the stress response and how it manifests through rising arousal (sweaty hands) and lowering peripheral temperature (cold hands).
      • Respiratory: Issues related to breathing patterns (breath holding, shallow breathing, etc.) and how they may reflect anxiety and mental restlessness.
      • Central nervous system (CNS): Issues related to changing states of mind (sleepiness, mental agitation, lack of focus, etc.) and the ebb and flow of dominant brainwave frequencies.
      • Cardiovascular: Issues related to the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and how they affect heart rate variability (HRV).

    The Rehab Suite has been designed by and for physical therapists. It comes with a clinical guide, explaining the general concepts of each modality.

    Comprehensive View of Patient Rehabilitation

    The Rehab Suite provides a wide variety of assessment protocols for:

    • Dynamic and Static SEMG Assessment
    • Dynamic and Static Range of Motion
    • Muscle Testing with or without SEMG
    • Algometry
    • EEG Sales LLC
    • 800-400-0334
    • info@eegsales.com

    Shop EEG Sales

    EEG Sales LLC offers a full and comprehensive list of quality products and supplies at competitively discounted prices for practitioners of Neurofeedback and Biofeedback. EEG Sales is an authorized distributor for Thought Technology and an authorized reseller for BrainMaster Technologies. We are proud to offer IMA Electronics hand-crafted electrodes and many of the finest equipment and supply brands available. Customer service and quality of product are top priorities with EEG Sales.

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