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Atlantis MINI-Q II is the next generation in MINI-Q technology from
BrainMaster. The intent of the MINI-QII is to save valuable time. This device
provides a hardware extension to the Atlantis 2x2 and 4x4 devices, and provides
automatic control of sensor site selection, and software support for session
control and data collection. It uses a standard 19 or 20 channel ElectroCap or
compatible headgear. Up to 20 channels can be gathered on a 4x4 device, and in
half the time of the 2-channel device, providing built-in data analysis, and
normative assessment, topographic maps, and connectivity maps with optional
NeuroGuide software. 19 channels can be collected in 5 passes using the
Atlantis 4x4, providing whole-head assessment information.
Atlantis MINI-Q II
With the MINI-Q II, it is possible to acquire 2 or 4 selectable channels of EEG
for assessment or training purposes. It is particularly useful with Live Z
Score %ZOK Training, as a way to select sensor sites quickly and accurately. It
is possible to make full-head topographic maps using either a 2-channel or
4-channel Atlantis, which is not possible with the standard MINIQ. The MINI-Q
II has 8 positions, and can switch 2 or 4 channels per position. With a
2-channel device, it is possible to gather standard 12-channel data from Fz,
Cz, F3, F4, C3, C4. P3, P4, T3, T4, O1, O2 for direct analysis, or for use with
third-party software. In addition, the MINI-Q II can be used to gather 16
homologous sites from a 2-channel device (F3. F4, F7, F8, C3, C4, P3, P4, T3,
T4, T5, T6, O1, O1), and produce topographic maps using NeuroGuidetm 2.4 (for
BrainMaster) for later. When used with a 4-channel device, the MINI-Q II
gathers data in half the time, and thus provides more complete coverage. It is
also possible to produce full 19 or 20-channel assessments with the MINI-Q II
and the Atlantis 4x4.
Advanced MINI-Q support is provided in the 3.0 software including the new
optional Session Wizard which provides advanced session design functions.
Sessions can now be designed with variable run length, automated user-programmable
prompts and pauses, and real-time control of signal processing and feedback.
Assessment and neurofeedback training can now be combined in complex sessions
that manage the user interface as well as signal processing and feedback.
Built-in EEG data analysis and statistical recording is fully automated and
requires no user intervention. MINI-Q I and MINI-Q II include optional license
for Session Wizard software.
This unit does not function independantly. This unit must be used in
conjunction with our BrainMaster Atlantis units.