ATLANTIS II is a 2x2 design, with two channels
of EEG and two channels of AUX signals for additional biofeedback modalities.
Includes continuous realtime impedance checking and recording; Total Immersion
with photic, vibratory and auditory feedback. Available for clinical use or
practition supervised remote (home) Neurofeedback training. 24 bit USB technology.
The perfect entry as well level and system for practitioners.
ATLANTIS I and II: Biofeedback with Impedance checking; USB; Direct Current
(DC) and Slow Cortical Potential (SCP) measurement, using Triamp amplifier
1 - Atlantis II
1 - 2 Channel Cable
1 - 5 - 18" Gold Electrodes - Cup
1 - USB Cable
1 - Trial 10/20 Paste
1 - Trial NuPrep Gel
1 - BrainMaster Carrying Case
1 - BrainMaster 3.0 Clinical Software License
1 - Complimentary 1 year Affiliate Membership
1- BrainAvatar Clinical or Remote Unlimited License (if option chosen)
1- BrainMaster Media Player;(included in "Bronze and Sliver Package" options)
1- Set Gold Ear clips (included in "Bronze and Sliver Package" options)
1 — Atlantis Photic Glasses (Included with "Silver Package")
1 — StimFlash Software (Included with "Silver Package")
Weight | 7 lbs |
Dimensions | 15 × 12 × 4 in |
Specs | Weight of Product: 1 lbs Dimensions: 15 × 12 × 4 in |
Add BrainAvatar 4.0 Software Upgrade

BrainMaster Technologies, Inc. is proud to introduce BrainAvatar™*, the next generation of EEG and neurofeedback software, available for our Discovery EEG system. It provides a new standard of excellence, and as with our previous offerings, will become the new standard for comparison for the future of the field. It combines all existing BrainMaster capabilities with new features incorporating quantitative EEG(QEEG), peripheral modalities, and integrating assessment with training in a seamless system.
BrainAvatar™* for Atlantis carries our previous generations of software to the next level in ease of use and advanced features. A streamlined tabbed interface provides multiple screen at the press of a button. View raw or filtered waveforms, control panels, feedback screens, or reports at anytime.
Separate screen for trainee with its own 8 tabs provides versatile training displays. New 2D and 3D displays improve clarity and quality of displays. Innovative Z-Builder allows you to build training norms based on your clients, to provide individualized training, with or without Z-Scores(optional).
Fully integrated with all Atlantis capabilites, including continuous impedance monitoring, peripheral biofeedback, DC and Slow Cortical Potentials, Infra-Low Training, and combined protocols.

MultiMediaPlayer for Atlantis
Passkey license offers direct DVD training capability! Interfaces with neurofeedback, general biofeedback, and Slow Cortical training.
The BrainMaster Multimedia Player software is an optional add-on tool box that also provides advanced animations and sounds for neurofeedback training. It can play animation files(avi, mpg, mpeg, & wmv), and will automatically adjust the animation to suit whatever protocol is being used. Any sounds built into the animation will also be played and controlled with the animation. Dozens of animations are included, and can be downloaded from here. You can add your own as well at any time. Sound files(wav, mp3, mp4) can be selected and played, regardless of the animation files being used. The system can also be used for sound-only feedback, using saved sound files. The MMP can also play CDs directly. Alpha/Theta training software included as well.
Atlantis Photic Package
Immersive stimulation provides direct EEG feedback via LEDs. It connects to the Photic output of Atlantis 2×2 or 4×4 devices to deliver phase-sensitive feedback. Now available with complex protocol EEG-driven photic feedback through the StimFlash option! For research use only. StimFlash Software enables EEG-controlled Photic stimulation and offers a wide range of protocols using peak frequency, modal frequency, or EEG spectral energy. It is fully protocol-driven. The package includes 1 Atlantis Photic Stim Glasses and 1 StimFlash Software.
Warning: Should not be used by individuals with epilepsy or any seizure disorder. For research use only.